How to Discover the Power of Curiosity

5 Steps to Invite a Sharper Mind

3 min readMar 15, 2024
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Have you ever watched children at play, completely absorbed in the moment, their imagination running wild without any boundaries? Their eyes light up with excitement as they explore every little thing around them, reminding you of mini explorers bravely trying new stuff and constantly asking, “Why?”

You might even ironically remember your own youth when you displayed the same endless curiosity. When was the last time you felt that way in your adult life? When did you last feel that raw, unfiltered curiosity that drives us to explore, learn, and grow. Could be some time isn’t it?

The point I bring here is that the curiosity hasn’t disappeared, but is merely buried under years of routine and responsibilities. If you wish you can awaken it and let that curiosity breath Are you ready to unearth it and let it breathe again? Let’s spend a few moments and dream of rediscovering the world through the wide-eyed wonder of our inner child.

As we get older, things like jobs and daily chores start to take over, and that excited thirst for knowledge kind of takes a back seat. A major reason this happens is the way schools teach. They focus a lot on just memorizing stuff for tests which doesn’t really help keep that curiosity alive. Instead of encouraging us to…




I am a student of life — devoted to "Discovery" -- observing and uncovering truths all around us - and offering that learning to those who wish to listen.