Member-only story
A New Way to Measure Goals
One of the people at my Master Mind Table is a venerable guide from ancient texts revealed recently.I have named him Menelik after King Menelik I the Son of King Solomon. To me, he is a master. I ask the question and he responds. It is my understanding that is put into words.
I ask you, Master, a question often on my mind. Thoughts come to me when I am asked and now, I look to you.
I remember from the time of my childhood and further, being taught to define and mark my progress? To set my goals and check the progress regularly. To use some sort of criteria that I may then say yes, I have done that. With that, I can mark my success. Tell me oh Master, what are your thoughts on this? Maybe first would you tell me what steps need I to take to mark progress and goals?
“Mark your progress by how much you see and feel behind you, and what can be seen and felt before you.”
I guess that makes some sense. If there is a lot behind me that means my experience is growing with the steps I take? But how do I know what there is before me since the future seems so bare?
“Let the steps you have taken push you into…